Code of Ethics

This code governs the conduct of the MITOS team for group and 1:1 coaching and training sessions. The team will:

  1. Always conduct themselves to the highest levels of ethics, integrity, accountability and responsibility.
  2. Treat all clients and potential clients with absolute dignity, confidentiality and respect as free and equal individuals.
  3. Maintain the good reputation of coaching and training.
  4. Comply with both the spirit and the letter of any agreements made with clients, potential clients, and professional colleagues.
  5. Make service level agreements with organisations when regular or ongoing services are required that are fair and will respect all parties to such agreements.
  6. Ensure agreements are made with 1:1 clients ahead of commencing sessions. 
  7. Represent true levels of status, title, competence and experience in order not to mislead, misrepresent or defraud.
  8. Make no un-realistic claims or implications of the services provided.
  9. Obtain written permission from any client or potential client before releasing their names as referees.
  10. Respect the absolute rights of clients’ confidentiality except as expressly permitted by the client or potential client in writing or as required by law.
  11. Recommend different coaches or resources when these will be more appropriate to the clients’ needs.
  12. Not offer professional information or advice that you know to be confidential, misleading or where the accuracy is beyond our competence to assess.
  13. Not coach minors (people who have not yet had their 18th birthday) without the express written consent of parent, guardian or teacher as appropriate.